My Crappy Day.
Wow today was such a horrible day. Firstly, in school, i forgot to band badge and got pumped 30 for it. Secondly, i screwed up the Victorian Anthem solo so bad my senior gave me a lecture.
And sadly my day got worse by period.
During recess we were stopped by Mr.Sng when we were playing soccer in the field as he had to let his sports class use the field. Therefore, we had to make do with the tiny indoor sports hall. Though it was fun, i felt it was a little too cramped to play soccer. As i was trying new shoes, my new canvas shoes, i tried to play soccer in them and I've learnt to never do it again. I realized that after i played soccer, i had blisters on my toes, which i have never had when i used my sports shoes.
After school i looked at the canteen queues and was astonished. Numerous people and food was running out fast. I was supposed to eat with Joel but the chicken rice stall queue so long i doubted i could eat with him. My doubt was confirmed when i had to re-queue because the rice in the chicken stall ran out! Therefore i had to make-do with malay food, which supply was scarce and so i could only eat rice and a chicken drumstick as they were the only food left in the stall.
That concluded my crappy day.